Emerging Scheme Proposals
Persimmon is proposing to deliver a range of much needed, quality homes at the site. The development will consist of a range of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes, including new access roads and areas of public open space.
The site has been carefully master planned to take account of the site’s surroundings and the opportunities this presents.
In summary, the emerging scheme proposals will deliver the following:
Approximately 110 energy efficient homes, offering a range of housing styles with gardens and private parking.
Areas of new open/green space with nature friendly planting.
A biodiverse green corridor alongside Langthwaite Beck.
Retention of the existing Public Right of Way running through the site providing access to the surrounding countryside.
New pedestrian/cycle links will be provided along Langthwaite Beck and to the adjacent proposed development site to the east.
Ecological enhancements, including bat and bird boxes, hedgehog highways, insect bricks and hibernaculum.
Sustainable travel planning for all new residents.
Residential Character and House Types
The design will secure an attractive, high quality and sustainable development, which will create a distinct sense of place for the existing and future community.
A variety of house types will be provided with a mix of terraced, semi-detached and detached homes. The materials to be used in construction will be informed by the local area and will likely feature red and buff brick, with grey roofs.
Sustainable Design
The above image represents a range of measures which could be provided to meet the emerging Future Homes Standard. All Persimmon dwellings incorporate high levels of energy efficiency, significantly reducing energy use and carbon dioxide emissions. Measures likely to be incorporated include:
High levels of insulation and air tightness which significantly reduce heat loss.
A gas-free development, with all homes electrically heated via air source heat pumps.
Enhanced loft insultation and more thermally efficient floors and walls.
White goods offered to purchasers with an energy efficient rating of A+/A.
Car chargers provided to every dwelling to encourage the use of fully electric or hybrid vehicles.
Homes for Nature Commitment
Persimmon Homes are committed to the Homes for Nature pledge of providing a bird nesting brick/box per dwelling built, as well as hedgehog highways as standard across every new development taken through planning from 1st September 2024.
Additional on-site measures, such as bat roosts, insect bricks, pollinator-friendly landscaping, hibernacula and sustainable urban drainage systems will also be incorporated where appropriate and feasible.
Homes for Nature is a voluntary commitment which aims to make a major step towards providing the minimum of 300,000 nesting bricks and boxes thought to be required to support swift populations and many more bird species across the country.
Please give us your views on the emerging scheme proposals by completing the feedback form provided on the ‘Have Your Say’ section of the website.