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Scheme Introduction

The site comprises 4.49 hectares of vacant agricultural land and features trees and hedgerows on its boundaries.


The site borders existing housing off Mayfields Way and Parkgate to the north. Land to the east is allocated for residential, employment, education and commercial facilities (Allocation Reference: SPA27 in the Local Plan), beyond which is Langthwaite Business Park to the east. Langthwaite Beck is to the south and South Kirkby Colliery Cricket Club to the west.


A Public Right of Way (Footpath 12) crosses the south-west of the site, which connects Stockingate to Broad Lane to the south.

Site Location 

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Planning Context 

The site is allocated for housing in the Wakefield Local Plan with an indicative capacity of 120 houses.


The Wakefield Local Plan was adopted on 24 January 2024. The Plan sets out the spatial vision, development principles and strategy for Wakefield, as well as strategic and local policies, guiding development in the district until 2036.


South Elmsall and South Kirkby are identified as an ‘Urban Area’ in the Local Plan, where most new development, including housing, employment, retail and mixed-use development will be directed to take advantage of existing services and high levels of accessibility. The site is a 10-minute cycle or an 11-minute bus ride from South Elmsall Town Centre, which provides day to day shopping, financial services, food and drink, and leisure and health services.


The site is also an 18-minute walk, 5-minute cycle or 9-minute bus ride to ‘The Green’ South Kirkby Local Retail Centre, which provides ‘top-up’ shopping and local services.

Site Photos

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